relationship marketing
Dance with the one
who brought you.
Healthy lead pools and profitable sales numbers are an important piece of your marketing puzzle. We know you understand that, and improving those elements is absolutely part of the CIM Marketing Partners’ strategy. But we believe there’s another audience you shouldn’t be ignoring: Your existing and former client base. They are a vital part of the lifeblood of your business. Those clients already know you and trust you.
You’ve already done the hard work and proven yourself with that audience. There’s no bait needed. Cultivating those relationships year after year, even after your engagement has ended, is critical to the success of your brand. Your company doesn’t have a churn and burn approach to your client base. CIM Marketing Partners will help you make sure your diligence and professionalism continue to pay off over the years.
Dollars and Sense.
Need another reason to fall in love with relationship marketing? Relationship marketing is often far less expensive AND much more successful than marketing efforts targeting at generating new leads. AND it’s easier than traditional advertising and promotional efforts. AND clients who come back to your business for repeat service is a HUGE win. Bottom line is this: Taking care of your current and former clients is absolutely crucial to building revenue and ensuring new and ongoing business. CIM Marketing Partners will help your business fully utilize an efficient relationship marketing strategy so that your clients feel a deeply personal and emotional connection to your brand. When they do, they’ll market for you.
Use your network.
An effective relationship marketing strategy should also include more than just your current and former clients. Cast a wide net! CIM Marketing Partners strongly encourages businesses to seek out and build relationships with non-client referral sources. What does that mean? Perhaps you’re a personal injury law firm. Your client base is Joe America. However, you also engage the services of CPA firms, marketing companies, court reporting companies, and so on.
Each of those engagements is an opportunity to establish a strong, meaningful relationship. Why does that matter for your marketing? Because at some point those rock-solid relationships could translate into cross-referral opportunities. That could mean you exponentially increase the size of your potential client base because one of your partners was willing to share your brand’s story and send potential customers your way. CIM Marketing Partners will help you deploy a relationship network strategy so that your name and reputation do the heavy lifting for you.
Let your team do the talking.
The biggest tool to help you make sure your relationship marketing strategy is successful is already sitting right inside your office. It’s your team. Regardless of the type of your business, your front-line customer service team will set the tone with your clients. It’s their voice they’ll remember. If they’re caring, well-trained, and compassionate, we promise your clients appreciate that. And that appreciation runs deep. CIM Marketing Partners provides company wide and teamwide training for extreme customer service and relationship building.
We’ve developed an acclaimed and trademarked program called The Client Cultivator ® (TCC). TCC is an innovative training workshop that applies to a wide range of industries including, but not limited to, professional services firms, retail shops, and other product-oriented businesses. This unique presentation allows individual departments or entire companies to experience a reinforcement of the importance of respecting the client’s perspective and appreciating the value of the business that they bring (Click here to learn more about TCC!).
CIM Marketing Partners also provides one-on-one coaching and business development sessions. We’ll ensure your team’s customer service skills are always at peak performance so your business and brand can reap the rewards.
Metrics still matter.
Every piece of data associated with your clients and former clients is critical. You’re missing a prime opportunity if you’re not tracking it in an accessible and effective way. That also includes leads who reached out to you, but weren’t the right fit for your business. They weren’t the right fit then, but if you and your team did a good job, your brand will remain top of mind with them and they should reach out to you again (hopefully when they are the right fit).
Is your business using a CRM system to amass the large amount of data you collect? You should be. And you should enter as much data as you possibly can put into that system. Why? Because while your client’s demographic profile may seem superfluous now, it could prove invaluable in the future. Think targeted marketing efforts that let those clients know you care. It’s an easy and inexpensive way to remain top of mind. CIM Marketing Partners will develop strategies and touchpoints utilizing your large database to encourage positive referral behavior amongst your client base.
It works for us. Let us show you how to make it work for you.
We don’t just encourage our clients to use relationship marketing. We use it ourselves. We trust our system and we know our clients have positive experiences with us. It starts at the very beginning for us. First, we focus on finding and engaging right-fit clients. We believe every client is unique and every engagement should be treated as such. Our team knows their stuff so when the time comes, we just need to put in the hard work. At the end of the day, our clients are satisfied that we have fulfilled their needs with extraordinary service, and they value our vast complement of services. We’re confident we handled their needs.
With these right-fit relationships, we tend to keep clients for a very long time, years and years longer than the typical agency-client relationship. But we don’t just leave it at a job well done. Our clients become our strongest advocates and are not just willing, but are eager to provide positive reviews and recommendations by sharing their experiences with others. CIM Marketing Partners knows how to let your clients advocate for you. We can teach you how to add relationship marketing to your arsenal as well.