Darcy Neighbors, April Kemp and Don Pursell compile strategic marketing advice from decades of experience in working at and with small to Fortune 250 companies in dozens of industries across the country. Their expertise and passion for incorporating and balancing key marketing elements is presented in their book, Marketing Fusion: 9 Elements to Ignite Your Growth. By combining the nine elements, you’ll learn to successfully build a brand, while increasing revenue, profitability and the overall value of your company or organization through effective strategic marketing initiatives.

Darcy Neighbors, April Kemp and Don Pursell

Marketing Fusion: 9 Elements to Ignite Your Growth helps readers understand the key elements under the “Marketing Umbrella,” critical to solid business growth and financial success. Gain an overview of strategic marketing (It’s so much more than sales!) and be inspired and empowered to make a difference in your company or organization. Discover the nine elements to ignite your growth:
- Learn to develop an overall strategic marketing program with diversified marketing components, while viewing
marketing as an investment vs. an expense - Build a branding focus and become brand “driven”
- Build your story with traditional public and media relations
- Converse online in real time with social media
- Dominate with a right-fit digital presence
- “Wow” your clients or customers at every turn
- Ready the team to serve as brand ambassadors
- Create a magical consumer/client experience
- Balance and blend the elements for blastoff
“I’ve known Darcy for years, and regularly rely on her marketing expertise. Her new book, Marketing Fusion: 9 Elements to Ignite Your Growth, is a must-have for any business owner who wants to ignite the growth of their business.”
~ Jeffrey L. Burr Esq., Principal, Jeffrey Burr
“I read or listen to any advice coming from the CIM Marketing Partners team!”
~ Nathalie M. Daum,
Director of Marketing and Business Development, Dickinson Wright
“Darcy and her team have been instrumental in my firms’ tremendous growth over the past decade. Their strategic marketing and “brand is everything” approach has positioned not just one brand, but four of our brands to be market leaders. Marketing Fusion: 9 Elements to Ignite Your Growth, is a book that outlines how an owner can grow their firm, if they believe and invest in strategic marketing.”
~ Richard A. Harris, Lawyer and Founding Partner, Richard Harris Personal Injury Law Firm
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