Managing Your Brand: Design 101

Posted On September 1, 2020

It’s all around us: Bad graphic design. Whether on a billboard, on a website, or in your mailbox, you know it when you see it. One of my team members…

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Watch Now vs. Read More

Posted On August 25, 2020

For years, we’ve been encouraging and helping our clients to incorporate video content into their marketing mix – website, email marketing, social media platforms, and online advertising. Research continues to…

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Getting Social With It

Posted On August 18, 2020

Are you feeling overwhelmed by social media? For businesses, over the past few years, it has become a necessity to establish and maintain a presence on various social media platforms….

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Marketing in Difficult Times – Double Down

Posted On July 21, 2020

Since the beginning of the pandemic, I’ve touched a time or two on marketing philosophies. One of those is that even the darkest of times, it’s helpful to find a…

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STAR Power and How to Get It

Posted On July 14, 2020

  Everyone knows that reviews are important for businesses, but a lot of people don’t realize just HOW important they are. Positive reviews can influence purchase decisions by allowing potential…

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Key Lesson from Marketing 101

Posted On July 7, 2020

There’s a wonderful book from the late 1990s, Who Moved My Cheese? Cheese is used as a metaphor for something related to our livelihoods – our jobs, our relationships, our…

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Don’t Rule Out DM!

Posted On June 30, 2020

  By DM, I mean direct mail. Do you ever feel overwhelmed by your email inbox? Maybe you’re thinking, when don’t I feel that way? If we thought we were…

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Importance of SEO vs. PPC/SEM

Posted On June 23, 2020

Again last week, I had a conversation that reminded me that there’s ongoing confusion about two marketing tactics: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay Per Click (PPC)/Search Engine Marketing (SEM)….

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Perception vs. Reality – What do your clients think?

Posted On June 9, 2020

  So, you think you know your buyers, customers, or clients. But do you? Perhaps you and your company have done what you do for many years, and you’ve surely gotten a lot right…

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Chaos Resets the Playing Field

Posted On June 2, 2020

  We’ve all been experiencing a world of chaos over the past few months, and in a recent peer group, we discussed how chaos resets the playing field. It reminded…

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