We at CIM Marketing Partners hope this message reaches you doing as well as you can in our current challenge. Please continue to do all you can to keep your team, your family and yourself healthy and safe.

As you know and are likely experiencing yourself, businesses are scrambling to maintain operations and client services. As you’re busy doing just that, there are certain things you and your team can focus on now to ensure your business comes out as strong as possible once COVID-19 isn’t ruling our lives. Some of these are based on some reading I’ve been doing that looked at how certain companies fared better than others during our 2008-2009 economic downturn. We also saw a similar correlation with our own clients’ activities during that downturn.

  • Let your clients know that you are there to support them as never before, in expected and new ways, wherever needed.
  • Help your clients shift their focus to providing services their clients need now. To use a B2B law firm example, there’s certainly an uptick in needed landlord/tenant services and legal document creation and review. A firm offering those services should immediately communicate to clients about their ability to deliver the specific services they need.
  • Shorten your planning horizon. With our unprecedented situation, current planning may be day-by-day and week-by-week, not the usual months or years. This will enable you to act and react as our crisis peaks and during the anticipated recovery.
  • Look at your current service offerings and be innovative with altering or expanding those offerings to changing client needs.

You may find some strength and inspiration in the following fact about 2008-2009: Companies that responded to the downturn only by cutting costs lost ground after the Great Recession. Companies that prove valuable to their clients and met their needs aggressively recovered faster and stronger.

Do what you can do, and more! Focus like a laser beam on what your clients need and rally your team to deliver like never before.

What you are doing now is already playing a role in your business’ outcome after COVID-19.

Stay healthy and safe, stay strong and please reach out if the CIM team can help you in any way.

Quote of the week:

Trust the wait. Embrace the uncertainty. Enjoy the beauty of becoming. When nothing is certain, anything is possible.

Mandy Hale