Again last week, I had a conversation that reminded me that there’s ongoing confusion about two marketing tactics: Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay Per Click (PPC)/Search Engine Marketing (SEM). That’s not surprising for several reasons:

  • The marketing landscape continues to evolve at an incredible pace. Tools, platforms, tactics, and options are introduced or changed at every turn. Just keeping up requires our team to divide and conquer by specializing and focusing on different areas so we can stay abreast of the latest trends and identify true opportunities.
  • Operationalizing SEO and PPC/SEM have changed, both in their complexities and the required ability to properly employ and manage them.

At the very least, I recommend you be aware of the two tactics. Both are important tools in our marketing toolbox, and we use them for certain clients when they are the right fit given particular business goals. Here’s a one-page summary to review.

[Click the image to download PDF]

If you do implement either or both of these tactics, remember, they can be an effective addition for general brand building. Should you like to discuss your marketing tactics, please reach out.

Quote of the week:

Nobody reads ads. People read what interests them. Sometimes, it’s an ad.

Howard Gossage