Ask a current client directly:
If you don’t ask for referrals, you may not receive them. People are often reluctant to ask for a referral from a current or past client; perhaps they’re just embarrassed to pose the question: “I am so happy we’ve been able to help your company with its strategic marketing efforts. Is there someone you know that we might be able to help similarly, maybe a colleague in another market with a business similar to yours?” The conversation needn’t be awkward, and it certainly shouldn’t feel high pressure or “salesy.”

Ask a larger audience:
There are many ways to ask a wide audience. A soft “We appreciate your referrals” message can be a part of a newsletter or monthly email that you send to your database. You can reach non-client referral sources in several ways, including a B2B periodic newsletter sent to referral audiences. Such a piece should educate them about what you do and position your company as a trusted resource for them or their clients, and that you’re ready to receive referrals.

Make a list:
Create a list of your best-fit clients, the ones your team enjoys working with the most, the ones who understand and appreciate what your company does for them. Create an opportunity to have the referral request conversation.

Get everyone involved:
The weight of capturing new business shouldn’t be on one person’s shoulders alone. Building a company culture that includes asking for referrals involves educating your team as to referrals’ importance and having them incorporate referral requests into their work activities, with their contacts and relationships.

Make it a multi-way street:
Yes, ask for referrals, but also share referrals with trusted clients, companies, and individuals. The referral you send to a respected competitor may result in a referral back to you in the future.
Quote of the week:
A referred brand is a preferred brand; and a preferred brand is a referred brand.
Bernard Kelvin Clive