Do we need some Public Relations (PR) activity? Someone asked me why she couldn’t find us on Facebook. I feel like we’re being left behind in social media. Should we do that sponsorship? Maybe we should do something. I think we need a plan. It’s time to move the dial on our business plan…wait, we haven’t updated “the plan” since 2016. Even though the new year is underway, it’s not too late to strategize and implement a proactive marketing plan.

We hear it routinely when meeting with prospective clients. Everyone seems to know they could benefit from marketing and PR efforts, but often they’re not sure what to do, how to do it, how much they need to invest to make it worthwhile, who should be involved and what, exactly, the plan should be.

What we’ve done for years is proven to work, year after year, for clients who stay the course and invest in marketing in the good times and bad. Here are some START NOW steps to take:

  • Start being clear on who needs to be involved in decision-making regarding marketing/PR activities. Figure it out! (Too many cooks in the kitchen applies…)
  • Start having a marketing budget to invest properly, and regularly.
  • Start getting yourself out of analysis paralysis mode and decide what to do. Get help from professionals who can help you evaluate your business position and goals to get moving on the right, consistent pathways.
  • Start strategically approaching marketing with right-fit tactics instead of doing random acts of marketing. Have a plan and operationalize it.
  • Start figuring out what YOU will be doing from this point forward instead of worrying about what everybody else is doing.

Once you have a solid plan and it’s put in motion, it’s amazing how much easier it is to then tackle new potential marketing activities as they come along. You’ll be doing marketing and enjoying the measurable results. You’ll be building the value of your company and its brand. You’ll be much more active in determining the future of your company instead of just letting things happen to your company. And…you will have shed that analysis paralysis that has frozen you for who knows how long.

Quote of the week:

If you spend too much time thinking about a thing, you’ll never get it done.

Bruce Lee