As you can imagine, over the course of 27 years, our team has seen, heard, experienced, learned and strategized about thousands of marketing scenarios, options and tactics. Thanks to our array of clients in dozens of industries, we continue to learn and apply both tried and true and new action steps to help our clients meet their business goals.

One constant is that certain basic marketing principles don’t change, things like:

  • Know your audience/market.
  • Know your competitive landscape.
  • Develop, communicate and maintain your competitive advantage(s).
  • Define problems, business goals and opportunities before strategizing the smartest next steps.

I recall my thoughts when we landed a huge funeral home client, one of the largest in the nation. People asked me, and I asked myself, “How in the world do you market a funeral home?” Turns out, you do so the same way you market any other business or organization – with right-fit, strategic marketing efforts.

Recently, our team has been putting together case studies on a number of different clients we’ve helped. Below is a link to see the initial collection. They’re all quick reads, but you’ll see how we approach various scenarios and do our best to perform for our clients. We’ll continue to add more stories to the collection.

Please let me know your thoughts about these studies. Our team is ready to help you, as well. I can always be reached by email or phone.

Сase studies are a tremendous device for developing problem solving skills, which are really valuable.

— Robert J. Dolan