estate planning
As an estate planning attorney, you have an important message to share with the world: that protecting your family and assets is as important when you’re alive as when you’re not.
That message is a hard pill to swallow for the majority of people, which explains why it is estimated that more than 60% of people have not done any estate planning. We understand the nuance and care that needs to be taken when communicating your message. We want to express the necessity of proper pre-planning without making the process seem daunting, while also relaying the problems that may arise from the lack of planning, all while convincing your prospective clients that estate planning is not just for the wealthy.
It’s a lot, right? We know.
CIM Marketing Partners has more than thirty years of experience marketing estate planning law firms, positioning attorneys in the community as reliable resources for estate planning and probate matters. We have helped to build some of the most recognizable and respected firms in numerous areas, ensuring the protection of residents of their local and regional communities.
It’s not easy to get people to accept that life is fleeting and will one day come to an end; it’s even harder to ask someone to plan for it. That’s why we use a multi-pronged approach to reach your desired clients. We use a combination of:
- Comprehensive strategic planning and execution
- Brand positioning and management
- Client communications
- Referral source communications
- Business development and outreach tools and processes
...and more, to attract and send more interested clients to you.
CIM Marketing Partners isn’t just great at sending clients your way. No! We make sure that when they come, they have a cohesive, meaningful, branded experience. Not only will they know, from start to finish, who they’re coming to see, they will see your brand from the beginning of their visit – your materials and promotional items will be high-quality and meaningful, and you will have collateral to explain the services your firm offers.
In short, you make sure estates are protected. We make sure your firm is known as the only estate planning choice.
What's Brand Synchronization, and Why is It Important?
When a company has been around for years and has had a number of employees come and go, there’s a pretty good chance that your brand (that is, your logo and branding elements, such as colors and marks) may not always be used appropriately. Typically, over time, when there isn’t a diligent effort regarding brand usage, your logo may be used in the wrong color, it may be stretched, it may not be used in the proper resolution, etc.
We've developed a Brand Synchronization Process Document to assist you in reviewing the state of your company’s brand and then offer a path to shoring up any weaknesses. To get your free copy of the Brand Synchronization Process Document, enter your contact information and we will email it to you.