Happy National Pet Day! If you’re like the CIM team, pets have played a significant role in your life. We do things to make them happy, and they make us happy CIMply with their presence and personalities. We eventually get over the pair of shoes they chewed or the dent to our bank account from a vet bill…emergency surgery for a swallowed item?

Here are some of our pets that are part of our lives and favorite memories. Enjoy!

Snowflake’s still hanging in there even at 18 years, following us around the house like a puppy.


Phoebe leaves her hair everywhere, and Wrigley leaves his toys everywhere.


Brutus and Beans, the largest lap puppies and my favorite little guys in the entire whole wide world.


Beatrice is full of energy and happy when she gets to play upstairs with the kiddos.


My sweet little troublemaker, Biscuit, as a puppy. Always full of energy for a small dog.


Valkyrie is the sweetest cuddle bug who makes herself at home wherever she goes.


Butkus loves his backpack bike rides and the wind in his hair.


Birdie & Elvis, the best fur babies ever, gave us so much joy and are now frolicking free and snacking on sugar snap peas on the other side of the Rainbow Bridge.


Whiskey Pete turns 5 this year and keeps me sane.


Royce wakes me before sunrise to start every day with a four-mile walk at the dog park.


Sophie likes to think she is a cat sometimes.


Hudson the 95 lb. Labrador lap dog loves long walks, running around at the park and snuggling on the couch.


Ruffin, going on 18 years supporting me is my ride or die pup, he’s here to stay!
